Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
One of the most complex fellows that we will cover, Gaius Julius Caesar, the first of three episodes devoted to the man, the mystery, the legend. What is a figure that is universally know doing in a podcast on Lost Roman Heroes? What can possibly be lost about Caesar? And what is heroic about Caesar, the man who drove a stake through the heart of the Republic? Join us here for Part 1, Caesar's early years.
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
Julius Caesar's legate in Gaul, Titus Labienus was the original Marc Antony, a friend to Caesar in his early days and a critical piece to Caesar's victories in Gaul. But when Caesar crossed the Rubicon, Labienus sided with the Republic, fighting under Pompey to preserve the government, until one day at Munda he found himself face to face with his old friend Caesar in a fight for his life.
Sunday Dec 24, 2023
Sunday Dec 24, 2023
Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, triumvir, the golden boy, the high school QB and most popular kid in school, always in the right place at the right time with the right friends. Was he more than that? What is the substance behind the legend? Who was Caesar's friend and mortal enemy, and does he merit a place in the Hall of Heroes?
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Perhaps one of the most well recognized names from Roman history but what do we really know of Spartacus the man? Born in Thrace, he may have fought in the Roman army before being enslaved and trained as a gladiator. He would bring Rome to her knees, but was that really his objective, or was he simply a tragic hero who simply wanted to go home? Can an enemy of Rome make it into the Hall of Heroes?
Sunday Dec 10, 2023
Sunday Dec 10, 2023
Crassus, Rome's richest man and one of the richest humans in history. He was the elder statesman of the Triumvirate, ally of Caesar and Pompey and Sulla, yet he went through life with a chip on his shoulder, endless searching for glory. For all that he was, and all that he accomplished, does he deserve to be in the Hall of Heroes?
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Quintus Sertorius, perhaps one of the most remarkable Lost Roman Heroes that are truly lost, someone we had never heard of before we started researching this episode. A contemporary of Marius, Sulla and Cinna, distinguished in battle, respected by friend and foe, proud of his one-eye earned in battle, who through no fault of his own it would seem found himself an exile, pitted against the entire Roman military. And through it all, he handled himself with dignity.
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sulla, you are not at all what we expected! The Roman Civil War, the first civil war, kicks off in earnest in this episode, and Sulla navigates the minefield left by his old mentor and adversary, Marius. Is Sulla the savior of the Republic as he thought himself, or did he leave breadcrumbs on the path to tyranny that Caesar would follow?
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Part 1 of Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, Marius' lieutenant and fallen patrician devoted to the old order and the primacy of the Senate. Was he an opportunist as well? Did he ultimately do more harm than good? For whom does the bell toll?
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Novus Homo! Marius, you were one complicated dude and your story complex. Innovative on the battlefield, savior of the Republic, lauded as the Third Founder of Rome yet you, perhaps more than the Gracchi, but the Republic on a fast path for extinction. Hero or Villain, or victim of your own inferiority complex. You made us work hard on this one...
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Tiberius Gracchus! Hero of the people trying to cure the rot at the heart of the Republic, or populist demagogue determined to destroy the old order and make himself king?