Two nerds-for-Rome that explore the lives and times of lost Roman heroes, from Aeneas to Constantine the XI, the Marble Emperor, and rank them for their cool hero-ness….

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Saturday Aug 19, 2023

In Episode 2 we look at Rome's mythical progenitor, Aeneas of Troy, without whom, Rome would never have existed?  Or at least, that was the story the Romans told themselves....

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023

Welcome to the Lost Roman Heroes podcast!  Join us as we explore the lost heroes from Roman history that were critical to the evolution, and survival of Rome, from its mythical founding (in the smoldering ruins of Troy) to its last breath with the death of Constantine XI on May 29th, 1453 when Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks.  We will cover some familiar names, and many more lesser known heroes that stood up when the odds were grim and the future bleak so that Rome would survive.  Join us on our adventure, and help us, share names of history makers so that together we can unpack, and unearth, the unforgotten past that contributed mightily to the world we know today..


 Welcome to the Lost Roman Heroes podcast with Matteo and Matthew!   Join us as we explore the lost heroes from Roman history that were critical to the evolution, and survival of Rome, from its mythical founding (in the smoldering ruins of Troy) to its last breath with the death of Constantine XI on May 29th, 1453 when Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks.  We will cover some familiar names, and many more lesser known heroes that stood up when the odds were grim and the future bleak so that Rome would survive.  Join us on our adventure, and help us, share names of history makers so that together we can unpack, and unearth, the unforgotten past that contributed mightily to the world we know today..

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